User Guides / Inventory / Labels / Printing Labels

Printing Labels

Last updated on 13-Jan-2024 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen
Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

Platform Lead
, Stephan Boersma
Stephan Boersma


This article describes how to print barcode labels from Scifeon. It is required to have a Zebra printer installed and ready to print labels. Read the guide: Installing Printer.

Printing multiple labels

  1. Click on Browse Data in the menu
Browse data
  1. Open a list of a data entity with barcode support and select a few in the list. E.g. Sample
Select Samples
  1. Click on Print Labels. This will open a preview window.
Print Labels
  1. Select a Printer and a Label Template. Contact your Scifeon administrator or if you need a new label template.
Select Printer and Label Template
  1. Click on Print Labels or Download PDF.
Click on Print Labels or Download PDF. PDF Example with Labels

Printing single label

It is also possible to print a single label when located on an entity detail page. Click the print icon to open the label preview window.

Print a single barcode